OBIT - Mrs. Bradford NEWCOMBE, October 1947

Eric and Pam, here is the obituary for Lauris Newcombe's mother.


PARRSBORO, Oct 16 - There passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs.
Lester Mattinson, Beckwith, N.S., on October 11th, Mrs. Sara Newcombe,
widow of the late Bradford Newcombe, Parrsboro. Born at Portaupique,
Col. Co., 78 yrs ago, she was the last member of the family of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Davidson, Debert, N.S. A member of the Parrsboro
Baptist Church of fine christian character, she will be remembered as a
good neighbor and friend. She is survived by three daughters, Lauris
(Mrs. Wm. Atkinson) of Rainy River, Ont., Erma (Mrs. Lester Mattinson)
Beckwith, N.S.; and Mrs. Edna Baumeister, Stony Point, New York. The
funeral service was held from Smiths' Funeral Parlor, Parrsboro,
Tuesday, Oct. 14, with Rev. Carl Jones conducting the service and music
under the direction of the Baptist Choir. Hymns were: "Forever With The
Lord", "Rock of Ages", and "Abide With Me". Pallbearers were: Burton
Dyas, Charlie Dyas, Perley Wright, Cecil Berry. A large number attended
the service including relatives and friends from Amherst and Beckwith.
All members of the family were able to be present. (From the Amherst
Daily News Newspaper, published Friday, October 17, 1947, page 4.)

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