Mahoney's and Spencer's Island Cemetery

Dear David,
Somewhere around 17 years ago, someone sent a newspaper clipping written by Holly Spicer discribing the headstones with the inscription. She also said that there had at one timebeen a Catholic Chapel ther but it was long gone.
William Mahoney was in the 1871 census with his wife Catherine Purvis and children in Spencer's Island. I could not find them in the 1881 census, but they showed up in 1891 census, minus William who died in 1889 in Diligent River. After Catherine's death, the family scattered.
John shows up in the 1871 census in Advocate Harbor, living with Thomas and Catherine Mahoney - aged 38 & 28 along with dau. Ann - 7 yrs old
In the list of those serving for Nova Scotia, Cumberland County for the Fenian Invasion, Thomas Mahoney was in the 7th CumberlandParrsboro and William in the 4th Cumberland Leroy (Mahoney's Corner)
William & Catherine donated a stained glass window to St. Bridget's in Parrsboro, which I understand is still there. Willaim was my Great Grandfather and his first son was Daniel Mahoney, my Gramdfather, a master mariner out of Parrsboro.
The 1st entry in St. Bridget's parrish record, is a baptism in 1853 where the sponsers were John Mahoney & Anestatia Mahoney.
My Father was William ROland Mahoney, but he was called Roland in Nova Scotia. He worked for a while in the Canadian Bank of Commerce with Roland McDade. My Dad told me that in order to call them and not get them mixed up, they were given nick names of Pat and Mike. The Pat stuck with my Father and his grave stone on B.C. reads W.R>(Pat) Mahoney. I don't know if the name Mike stuck with Roland McDade, but it did that is were it came from.
The Ann Mahoney and William Brenton Mahoney did not come from my direct line, but may be thru Thomas Mahoney.
William's Catherine (Purvis) Mahoney show she was born in Nova Scotia on 1871 census but on 1891 census as born in Ireland. I am still trying to find which is right. Any help would be appreciated as well as where in Ireland they came from.
Thank you for all you do.
Dan Mahoney

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