Re: question re cemetery locations

Hello Ruth:

Turple Hill was named after Nelson Turple b. Halifax,NS Jun 7, 1823 d.
Apple River April 17, 1911, buried Apple River.His wife Catherine Brayley
1826-1892. They lived at top of Turple Hill . House burned about 50 years
ago. The only Turple family in Apple River. Nelson had a brother William
Turple who lived in Advocate. No Turples living in this area now and no
known descendants..

The Browns for the most part were descendants of Benjamin Brown and Eleanor
Spicer who lived in New Yarmouth. The Browns are mostly all buried in the
Brown Cemetery, New Salem.None living there now.

The Rectors in the area came from Diligent River.Descendants of Robert
Rector and his wives family name I believe MacAlonan and either Gow or Dow.
Most all buried in Advocate. One family living in Apple River now.

The Frasers were descendants of Lt Francis Fraser, Loyalist, founder of
Fraserville. A few descendants in Advocate.None in Apple River.

The other names you listed are practically unknown in this area.



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