Sugar woods ! My father ( Mertin Boss, son of Albert and Caroline Jones Boss, Athol Road ) told me more than once, his fond memories of camping in the sugar woods, and boiling down the syrup right there on the spot. He said the Maccan Mountains was where they went. Dad was born in 1866, and the whole family moved to Ontario in 1879/80, so this would have been before 1880. They camped in a tent. And many families all joined in the work and rewards. As young child I marveled at them using a tent, I thought it was a newer " invention" !! :)
Dad made maple sugar candy , just as they did in Nova Scotia, all his life. It was a special treat and we loved it. He had a wooden paddle that was his fathers, he used to beat the candy with it , after it had cooled on the cold back porch, without stirring. I have the paddle, but it hasn't helped me turn out the silky smooth confection as my father did. If there was a secret to beating and making the candy, Dad took it with him in the 1960's when he died.
Merilyn in AZ
----- Original Message -----
From: Read Allen
To: Sugar Woods
- From: "Read Allen" <>