Re: BROWN & 3rd Nor'easter in a Week in Cumberland County,_ NS

Halifax County is sharing this storm with Cumberland County. It's hard to
say how much snow we have because of the drifting. At least we have not lost
our electricity, unlike the early snowstorm back in mid November when we
were without electricity for 3 days. Needless to say, I am sick of snow

Here is the information on the childeren of Sarah Brown and Thomas Burney
Read (my 3g grandparents)

Descendants of Sarah BROWN

1 Sarah BROWN b: 18 July 1792 in Maccan, Cumb. Co., NS, Canada d: in Athol
N.S. Canada

.. +Thomas Burney READ b: 1786 m: 23 January 1812 d: in Athol N.S. Canada
Father: Robert READ Mother: Mary RIPLEY

.. 2 James READ b: 17 November 1812 in Athol N.S. Canada d: 03 May 1885 in
Fenwick N.S. Canada Burial: Nappan Cemetery, Nappan, Cumberland Co., NS,

...... +Mary Jane RIPLEY b: 1819 m: 08 March 1838 in Fenwick, Nova Scotia,
Canada d: 1901 Father: John Henry RIPLEY Mother: Amelia COVE

.. 2 Mary READ b: 03 March 1817 d: 1887

...... +Joseph RIPLEY b: 1814 m: 28 August 1834 in Nappan, Cumberland Co,
Nova Scotia, Canada d: 1855

.. 2 Thomas Brown READ b: 1821 d: 1886

...... +Mary Ann LOWE b: 1825 d: 1923

.. 2 Cecilia (Amelia?) READ b: 24 March 1824

...... +William Silas MILLS m: 04 June 1857 in Cumberland Co. NS, Canada

.. 2 John William READ b: 25 November 1826 d: 07 July 1902 Burial: Amherst
Cemetery, Amherst, NS, Canada

...... +Mary Jane SMITH b: 1837 d: 04 February 1856 Burial: Read's Island
Cemetery, Nappan, Cumb. Co., NS Canada Father: Francis Caleb SMITH Mother:

.. *2nd Wife of John William READ:

...... +Ann Elizabeth DAY b: Abt. 1838 m: 05 February 1857 in Amherst, Cumb.
Co., NS, Canada d: 13 December 1919 Burial: Amherst Cemetery, Amherst, NS,

.. 2 Caroline Elazabeth READ b: 17 November 1831

.. 2 Sarah Elizabeth READ b: 03 September 1829

...... +Job PUGSLEY m: 01 March 1855 in Cumberland Co. NS, Canada


----- Original Message -----
From: "Diane Shaw" <>
To: <BROWN & 3rd Nor'easter in a Week in Cumberland County, NS
  • From: "Diane Shaw" <>