Beecham Cemetery, Beecham Road, Cumberland County
In the fall of 2004, I visited the Beecham Cemetery, looking for a
cemetery stone. As it seem that most of the cemetery stone were
related, I copy down the information on all of the stone that were
readable. I can not guarantee that the information is 100% correct,
because there is most likely mistake. And winter arrived before I got
back to recheck all of the information from the cemetery stone that I
copied down. And it now look like, it will be spring before I can get
back to recheck.
So, instead of waiting for spring, I upload a copy of my Beecham
Cemetery file to the NSCumber Maillist file section, today. And in the
spring, I will go back and recheck for mistakes.
As this is my first try at adding a file, if it works fine, I will
upload a few other cemeteries data that I have at another time.